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GSC Pui Pui Molcar MODEROID Molcar Potato Shiromo Abbey Choco Teddy 天竺鼠車車 馬鈴薯 西羅摩 阿比 巧克力 武裝泰迪

Regular price
RM 70.00
Sale price
RM 70.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Worldwide shipping | TX REVOLUTION MODEL
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Authentic products | TX REVOLUTION MODEL
Authentic products
70MM length
A colorful plastic model kit of Molcar Potato!
From the popular stop motion anime "Pui Pui Molcar" comes plastic model kits of the Molcars! Enjoy recreating the Molcars from the series with a simple assembly of the pre-colored parts. The model kit comes with two kinds of tire sets—a set to use for posing and a set that rolls.

A figure of Potato's driver (*non-colored gray figure) is also included. Stickers for displaying Potato as though crying or sweating are included as well!

A bank robber figure (*non-colored gray figure) is also included. Stickers for displaying Shiromo as though crying or sweating are included as well!

A miniature figure of Abbey's driver (*non-colored gray figure) is also included. Beginner driver's mark stickers and stickers for displaying Abbey as though crying or sweating are included as well!

A figure of a criminal with a gun (*non-colored gray figure) is also included. Stickers for displaying Choco as though crying or sweating are included as well!

A carrot part is included. Parts for recreating the zombie-fighting "Armored Teddy" from episode six of the series and parts for recreating the spy-goggle-wearing "Spy Teddy" from episode eight of the series are included. Stickers for displaying Teddy as though crying or sweating are included as well!

A figure of a zombie (*single green color) is also included. The zombie pattern of the Molcar is prepainted. (Stickers used to recreated certain areas.)

A miniature figure of a cat is also included. Molcar itasha stickers and stickers for displaying Abbey as though crying or sweating are included as well!

Ambulance Molcar Medical cross stickers and stickers for displaying them as though crying or sweating are included as well!

Patrol Molcar Two police officer miniature figures are also include (single yellow color). Police mark stickers and stickers for displaying them as though crying or sweating are included as well!

出自超人氣定格動畫《PUI PUI 天竺鼠車車》,天竺鼠車車們化身為組裝模型!組裝色彩繽紛的零件便能重現近似劇中的天竺鼠車車。車輪附一般擺放用與滾動用兩種。

馬鈴薯 還附駕駛馬鈴薯的大姐姐模型一個(※灰色單一色)。另外也附眼淚及汗水表情用貼紙。

西羅摩 還附銀行強盜模型一個(※灰色單一色)。另外也附眼淚及汗水表情用貼紙。

阿比 還附阿比的駕駛員模型一個(※灰色單一色)。另外也附新手駕駛標示、眼淚及汗水表情用貼紙。

巧克力 配件有於第八集戴上的間諜護目鏡,可重現「間諜巧克力」。還附持槍的壞人模型一個(※灰色單一色)。另外也附眼淚及汗水表情用貼紙。

武裝泰迪 配件有紅蘿蔔零件。還附於第六集對付殭屍用的武裝,可重現「武裝泰迪」,以及於第八集戴上的間諜護目鏡,可重現「間諜泰迪」。另外也附眼淚及汗水表情用貼紙。

殭屍西羅摩 附殭屍模型一個(※綠色單一色)。身體的殭屍花紋為塗裝完成品(部分為貼紙)。

魔法天使阿比 還附貓咪模型一個。拆下頭飾零件可重現「痛車阿比」。另外也附MORUMI痛車貼紙、眼淚及汗水表情用貼紙。

救護車車 還附十字標誌、眼淚與汗水的表情用貼紙。

巡警車車 還附警察的模型兩個(※黃色單一色)。另外也附警察標誌、眼淚與汗水表情用貼紙。