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Good Smile Company Smile of the Arsnotoria POP UP PARADE Arsnotoria: Cat Kingdom Ver. 阿爾斯諾特利亞 貓王國 綻放的阿爾斯諾特利亞

Regular price
RM 180.00
Sale price
RM 180.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
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Authentic products | TX REVOLUTION MODEL
Authentic products
Magic (cuteness) won't lose.
POP UP PARADE is a series of figures that are easy to collect with affordable prices and speedy releases! Each figure typically stands around 17-18cm in height and the series features a vast selection of characters from popular anime and game series, with many more to be added soon!

From the Nitroplus RPG game about searching for real magic, "Smile of the Arsnotoria", comes a POP UP PARADE figure of Arsnotoria in her Cat Kingdom outfit! Be sure to add her to your collection along with POP UP PARADE Petit Albert: Cat Kingdom Ver. and POP UP PARADE Picatrix: Cat Kingdom Ver., also available for preorder from the same time!

「POP UP PARADE」模型系列商品,讓人不禁手滑訂購的親民價格、方便擺飾的全高17~18cm尺寸、短期內發售等,擁有令模型粉絲開心的各項優點。本次由Nitro+原作的尋找真正的魔法RPG《綻放的阿爾斯諾特利亞》中,「阿爾斯諾特利亞」以貓王國的造型化身為POP UP PARADE模型登場。搭配同時開放預購的「POP UP PARADE 小阿爾貝爾 貓王國Ver.」與「POP UP PARADE 琵卡特里克絲 貓王國Ver.」一同賞玩吧。