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Madworks Chisel Holder Light MH-16 /17 /18 平價塑膠刀柄 AFFORDABLE HANDLES mad works

Regular price
RM 43.00
Sale price
RM 43.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
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Authentic products | TX REVOLUTION MODEL
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Comes with a cap! Multi-functional! Metal collet chunk! Lightweight plastic body!

#Three choices of colors: red, silver, or black.
Advantages and Features:

Lightweight Body. This design in keeping metal component at the front of the handle redistributes its weight, and improves your scribing experience.
Affordability is the Key! Suitable for beginners and for those who want to buy over 10 pieces all at once. Now you do not need to bother with switching out the blade halfway through your work.
4-Jaw Chunk. It can hold many types of chisels and blades: DLC series, Light series, Tungsten Steel (TS) series, Mr.Pro XXX series, triangular scraper, as well as our collection of wide chisels.
Aesthetic! Even though each handle was created using injection molding process, we added beautiful texture to improve its finish.
Anti-Slip Design improves grip. Hexagonal body makes sure the handle does not roll around.
Every handle comes with sticker labels for different chisel sizes.

This plastic handle is versatile, suitable for every scale model projects. Whether it is for general use, scribing panel lines, or detail customization, this handle can sure get the job well done!

#Collet chunk can hold round tang with diameter between 2.5-3.1mm; or rectangular tang 6.0x0.6mm

眾所期待!大家呼喊的平價!帥氣!有蓋子!多功能用途!金屬夾頭! 塑膠輕量化柄身! MAD最新的刀柄終於推出啦!!!這次我們可是使用了鼎鼎有名的包射開模生產! 就讓我們繼續看下去這款刀柄還有什麼特色吧!

對於熱愛製作模型的大家,一把優質的刀柄非常重要。今天就要為各位帶來 -「複合式塑膠刀柄」,這絕對是各位製作模型的必備工具。


十字開孔夾頭設計可夾取多種刀頭,刀片、DLC系列、Light 系列、鎢鋼刀系列 Mr.Pro XXX 系列、三角刮刀和寬刀都可以更換使用。
