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From the 10th anniversary commemorative video "Gundam Build Metaverse" of the "Gundam Build Series," the "Gundam Double-O Quanta Desert Type" makes its appearance in HG!
- A customized MS that combines elements of the Double-O Quanta with the SD Command Gundam.
- Adopts a design inspired by desert warfare.
- Comes with numerous ranged wea pons such as mis sile laun cher, heavy machine gu n, and arm shiel d.
- Includes sla shing wea pons such as the Command Swo rd and two combat kniv es stored in the Ar m Shi eld, incorporating milit ary elements along with the features of the Command Gundam.
- Command S word x 1
- Arm Shie ld x 1
- Combat Kni fe x 2
- Heavy Machine G un x 1
- Missi le Lau ncher x 1
- Hand Parts x 1 set
- Seal x 1
- A customized MS that combines elements of the Double-O Quanta with the SD Command Gundam.
- Adopts a design inspired by desert warfare.
- Comes with numerous ranged wea pons such as mis sile laun cher, heavy machine gu n, and arm shiel d.
- Includes sla shing wea pons such as the Command Swo rd and two combat kniv es stored in the Ar m Shi eld, incorporating milit ary elements along with the features of the Command Gundam.
- Command S word x 1
- Arm Shie ld x 1
- Combat Kni fe x 2
- Heavy Machine G un x 1
- Missi le Lau ncher x 1
- Hand Parts x 1 set
- Seal x 1